When buying knives, many people head to their local store and pick up some decently priced cutlery. Sadly, these knives do not last as long or cut excellently as Japanese ones. Handmade Japanese knives have a heritage going back over a thousand years and are born of the legendary samurai swords of days gone by. The secret of the fantastic Japanese knives lies in the construction techniques used to forge the blade.
In its heart lies a soft iron core, adding flexibility and strength to the blade. Its exterior is made from high carbon steel, known as Tamahagane, which is world-renowned for its ability to hold an edge so sharp that it is truly unforgettable. Nowadays, people who are aware of this piece of information choose to buy only Japanese cutleries. Moreover, they possess world-class style and functionality.
Types of Japanese Knives
Japanese knives are increasing in popularity with professional chefs who want to improve the excellence of the foodstuff they provide in terms of uniformity of cutting, swiftness and sharpness. You will be surprised to know that the best class of Japanese handcrafted knives will cost you around $80- $120 per piece. Here are some commonly found Japanese knives you must also have in your kitchen. Continue reading!
Santoku knife- This general all-purpose knife can be used for slicing, cutting, dicing, and mincing. Santoku knives make it easier for the user to cut bigger vegetables like potatoes, cabbage, and pumpkin.
Boning knife- Boning knives are mainly used for boning fish, meat and poultry. These are pointed with a narrow blade. It is 275 mm long, blade thickness is 3mm, and weight is 190 gm. Using this knife is easy, especially where extreme maneuverability is required.
Petty knife- Petty knife comes in handy when you need to slice soft and lightweight veggies like string beans, onions, tomatoes or any other medium-sized vegetable or fruit.
Paring knife- These knives are perfect for cutting work like deseeding jalapenos, deveining shrimps or cutting tiny morsels of garnish. It is very light as well as easy to use. Its length is 180 mm, the thickness of the blade is 1.5 mm, and its weight is 55 gm.
How to buy the best knife for your kitchen?
Stop scratching your head and pondering what it means. Well, the definition of “the best knife” can vary from person to person. Every knife has various characteristics that make it better than those designed by competing brands. Hence, rather than looking for the “best knife”, you should look for a high-quality knife that is good for you. Read on and discover the essential things you need to consider when purchasing.
- When buying a knife, the first thing to consider is who is going to use the knife. Someone with small hands and wrists will not be able to use a heavy knife. Similarly, those with larger hands won’t be able to get the best results from a small knife. Hence, trying the knife before making a purchase is a good idea. Doing this will help you ensure that the knife you intend to buy feels right in your hands and you are comfortable.
- The next thing to consider is the purpose of buying the knife and what you will use it for. If you often prepare Asian foods, it would be good for you to consider buying Handmade Japanese knives as they are specifically designed to cut foods used in Asian cuisine.
To ensure your purchase’s success, you should conduct thorough research and learn about the different types of knives available on the market. Go through the history of each company and the technology they use to guarantee the sharpness and durability of their knives. Then make a wise decision, keeping everything mentioned above in mind.